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The story of Greenstone / Jade / Pounamu
Also known as New Zealand Jade, in mineral terms as Nephrite and to the Maori, it is known as Pounamu.
The Jade dates back to the Aztecs and the Chinese and more recently it has appeared in Maori mythology and History.
Pounamu is considered to be spiritually and materially precious in the Maori culture. It is a prized possession that represents “mana”, the spiritual power.
In New Zealand, the raw material can be found in the rugged mountain ranges of New Zealand‘s West Coast in the South Island. Once found, it is then meticulously cut, shaped, carved and polished into the many designs we see today.
Greenstone is still considered to be a treasured possession. It is said that when a greenstone pendant is worn, the oils of the human body are absorbed by the stone and therefore add to the stone’s lustre.
The more you wear it and the more beautiful it becomes. May be the stone is not only absorbing the oil, but also the Mana of the one who is wearing it.